
2 minute read



Probably Approximately Correct Learning (PAC)

Key assumptions:

  • Training and testing data are generated i.i.d according to an fixed but unknonwn distribution $\mathbf D$ (i.e. “averge error” made by $h\in H$)
  • “quality” of a hypothesis (classification function) $h \in H$ should take unknown distributin $\mathbf D$ into account
  • risk functional
\[\text{err}_{\mathbf D}(h)=\mathbf D\{(x,y)\in X\times \{-1,1\} \vert h(x) \neq y \}\]

Generalization Error of Pac Model

  • Let $S={(x_1,y_1),\dots (x_l,y_l) }$ be a set of training example according to $\mathbf D$.
  • Treat the generalization error $\text{err}_{\mathbf D}(h_s)$ as a random variable depending on the random selection of $S$.
  • Find a bound of the trial of the distribution of random variable $\text{err}_{\mathbf D}(h_s)$ in the form $\varepsilon=\varepsilon(l,H,\delta)$
  • $\varepsilon=\varepsilon(l,H,\delta)$ is a function of $l$, $H$ and $\delta$ where $1-\delta$ is a confidence level of the error bound which is given by learner.

Probably Approximately Correct

\[\text{Pr}(\{ \text{err}_{\mathbf D}(h) > \varepsilon=\varepsilon(l,H,\delta) \})< \delta\]
  • $\varepsilon(l,H,\delta)$ does not depend on the unknown distributin $\mathbf D$.

Find Minimum expected risk

  • The expected misclassification error made by $h \in H$ is
\[R[h]=\int_{X\times\{ -1,1\}} \frac{1}{2} \vert h(x)-y \vert dp(x,y)\]

The ideal hypothesis minimization

  • The ideal hypothesis $h^{*}_{\text{opt}}$ should has the smallest expected risk
\[R[h^{*}_{\text{opt}}]\leq R[h] \quad \forall h \in H.\]

Empirical Risk Hypothesis (ERM)

  • Replace the expected risk over $p(x,y)$ by an average over the training example.
  • The empirical risk
\[R_{\text{emp}}[h^*_{\text{opt}}]\leq R_{\text{emp}}[h] \quad \forall h\in H\]
  • only focusing on empirical risk will cause overfitting.

VC Confidence

  • The following inequality will held with probability $1-\delta$
\[R[h]\leq R_{\text{emp}}[h]+\sqrt{\frac{v(log2l/v)+1-log(\delta/4)}{l}}\]

Let say



  • As $l \rightarrow \infty$, $E(v,l,\delta) \rightarrow 0$.
  • while hypothesis space is larger, the change of overfitting is increase. Since the probability of errors increase while we have much more selections from $H$.
  • $E(v,l,\delta) $ increase as long as $\delta$ decreases, which the probability $1-\delta$ larger.

The Structural Risk Minimization(SRM)

  • The structural risk will be lees than or equal the empirical risk(training error)+VC(error) bound
  • $\Vert w \Vert_2^2 \propto \text{VC bound}$
  • $\min \text{VC bound} \Leftrightarrow \min \Vert w \Vert_2^2 \Leftrightarrow \text{Max margin}$

Shattered and VC dimension


  • A given training set $S$ is shattered by $H$ iff for every labeling of $S$, $\exists h \in H$ consistent with this labeling.

Theorem 1:

Consider some set of $m$ points in $\mathbb R^n$, choose a point as origin, then
the $m$ point can be shattered by oriented hyperplanes iff the positive vectors of the rest points are linearly independent.


The Vapnink-Chervonenkis dimension, $\text{VC}(H)$ of hypothesis space $H$ defined over the input space $X$ is the size of the (existent) largest finite subset of $X$ shattered by $H$.


\[H=\{ \text{all hyperplanes in } \mathbb R^n \}\Rightarrow \text{VC}(H)=n+1\]