Stochastic Processs

1 minute read


Possion Process

The stochastic countng satifies the following conditions is defined as Possion Process

  • $N(0) = 0$
  • $N(t)$ is indepentent increment process

\((X_{t_1}-_{t_0}),\dots,(X_{t_{n+1}}-_{t_n})\) are indepentent

  • $N(t)$ is statoinary increment process
\[(X_{t_1}-_{t_0}) \sim \text{Pission}(\lambda)\]

Using Generating function $G(z,t)=E(z^(N(t)))=sum_k z^k P(N(t)=k)$ to find that possion process is

\[P(N(t) = k) = \frac{(\lambda t)^k}{k!} \exp{-\lambda t}\]

Markov Process


Chapman–Kolmogorov equation

\[P_{i,j}(n)=\sum_k P_{i,k}(n) P_{k,j}(n)\]


  • when $i,j$ is reachable, there exists $n$ such that $P_{i,j}(n)>0$, i.e. $i \rightarrow j$


  • $i \leftrightarrow j$ that means $i \rightarrow j$ and $j \rightarrow i$


  • a set $S$ is defined as closed if a subset $C$ of $S$, $a \in C$, $b \notin C$ , which imples $a \not\to b$


  • a set $S$ is irreducible if $S$ do not include closed true subset $C$
  • iff $S$ is closed and all elements in S is commutative

First passaege Proability

\[f_{i,j}(n)=P(X_n=j,X_{n-1}\not= j,\dots, X_1\not=j|X_{n-1}=i)\] \[0\le \sum_{n} f_{i,j}(n) \le 1\]


\(\sum_{n} f_{i,j}(n) =1\)


\[\sum_{n} P_{i,j}(n)=\infty\]
  • the proof is using
\[P_{i,j}(z)=\delta_{i,j}+f_{i,j}(z)P_{j,j}(z)\] \[P_{i,i}(z)=\frac{1}{1-F_{i,j}(z)}\]


  • finite state has an elemnent which is recurrent
  • irreducibe with finite state implies all states are recurrent


  • irreducible and recurrent, the following holds.
\[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=1}^n P_{i,j}(k)=\frac{1}{\sum_{n}n f_{j,j}(n)}\]
  • positive recurrent:
\[\sum_{n}n f_{j,j}(n) < \infty\]
  • null recurrent:
\[\sum_{n}n f_{j,j}(n) = \infty\]
  • when $d_i=1$, the diagram is non-periodic

stable converage

  • if finite state Diagram D is irreducible and non-perodic, then \(P_{i,j}(n) \rightarrow \pi_{i,j}\)

  • if finite states Diagram D is irreducibe and recurrent, then

\[lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{1}{k}P_{i,j}(k) \rightarrow \hat \pi_{i,j}\]