Install WRFDA3_8_1

less than 1 minute read


a. vim ~/.bashrc

export BUFR=1
export CRTM=1
export WRFDA=/home/chchoi/arw/WRFDA

b. cd $WRFDA

./configure wrfda

c. vim your configure.wrf

if your lib path of hdf5 is $HDF5/lib64, please vim your configure.wrf /home/chchoi/hdf5/lib64 -lhdf5

d. compile

./compile all_wrfvar >& compile.out &
tail -f compile.out

e. check

ls $WRFDA/var/build/*.exe
ls $WRFDA/var/obsproc.exe

if there are 43 files in $WRFDA/var/*.exe and 1 file in $WRFDA/var/obsproc.exe, then WRFDA is installed successfully.